Today has been one of feelings. Nothing more than that. Michael Jackson died today, and I think Farrah Fawcett died yesterday. These two actors were icons as I was growing up. Michael Jackson's music is what I danced to back in my twenties. Wow, an era has gone by. Now my own son is twenty.
I also just want to take a moment here and say that I am extremely embarrassed about asking for money for the tortillas at dad's party. Normally, I never would do that. I usually don't take leftovers home either. As a matter of fact, I left the extra tortillas and a multitude of sour cream and thought nothing of it. I guess I just was thinking about how I bought too many of those good tortillas from Taco Time that others might want to buy a package. I should have kept my mouth shut because it has bothered me ever since. I am sorry - so very sorry.
Also, I am sorry I didn't help clean up. I was really hurting that day, but that is no excuse. I should have helped. I will make more of an effort to do so at future family functions. I feel sometimes like the family talks behind my back about my lack of ettiquette. (Probably not true, it's just my own lack of confidence/esteem.) I do apologize and hope that you all will forgive me.
I love you all very much and would not ever intentionally hurt anyone's feelings. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. Life is too short to carry the pain.
Love, Mel
14 years ago