Yesterday was Thanksgiving. The family gathered at Deb's house for dinner. She had worked hard to prepare for the gathering and was rather stressed. I felt so bad for her having to take that big job on. I felt good though, that I was able to help with the dishes afterward. My back hurt, like usual, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be.
It was good to see everyone there. Evan had finished his current round of treatments and was as funny as ever. I love his humor.
This has been a rather stressful holiday for Malek and for me. Since we had an offer on the house through a short sell, and the bank has accepted that offer, we are now in a rush to pack and to find a place to live. We looked all day today (Friday) and I think we have a pretty good idea of where we want to go, but we shall see if it works out that way. Money is an issue, we will be short the paycheck I was counting on to get into a rental, but again, we'll have to work around that. I hate the idea of packing. I'm so sore all the time. It seems like a monumental task. But, again, I hope that I will get help from Malek. With all the stress, also comes relief because I know that I will get into a more affordable payment that I am in now. That should alleviate so much of my stress level.
Malek and I went to Roger Christensen's daughter's wedding reception tonight. It was Jenny's wedding. I remember her coming with us on an inservice once. She is such a sweet girl. I think she did everything right and her reception was just beautiful. Roger also had a daughter get married just a few months ago, so he and his wife had to do to weddings fairly close to one another. My dream for Malek is that he would be able to have a nice wedding reception some day. . . but more than the wedding reception, I hope that he chooses a spouse wisely and that they will be married in the temple.
Well, I had better get to bed. There is a lot to do tomorrow.
14 years ago